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Saturday, 30 July 2011

"Couponic Plague"-A New and Potentially Devastating Medical Condition

We have recently entered the era of "couponised" goods and services. I have never been a fan of these sorts of incentivations. However it is easy to understand the entrepreneurial "pull" of these schemes. It is basically a case of get the punter through the door with the promise of a value added experience (albeit generally a one-time-only incentive).

However one would have imagined that the coupon-marketed discount delivery of medical services would be considered professionally inappropriate. 
From the above link the medical board would consider this apparently so. Will the appropriate authorities police the statutes? Don't hold your breath! 

The intention to avail oneself of a medical service (cosmetic or otherwise) should be made with a gravitas that is commensurate with the health and well-being implications of a medical procedure, rather than on the dubious rationale of a discount online coupon.
While value for service is naturally an issue and consideration for patients, the success of a boutique style practice (such as ours) depends almost entirely on a reputation for a high standard of work and a welcoming practice atmosphere. 
One can only ponder the motivation for a medical practice (cosmetic or otherwise) to couponise its services. Arguably medical practice has never been more trivialised.
Perhaps we are destined to see a new medical malardy-"Couponic Plague"-scores of disaffected, disappointed and emotionally wrecked patients arriving like boat people refugees at our doors for cosmetic salvation. Julia and/or Tony may become obliged to conjure up a "solution". If only Nicola would have selected her own medical board's link (again): 


  1. Preach, Dr Feiner! Of course I love this post.
    "arguably medical practice has never been more trivialised" too true and way too depressing :(
    Hopefully the answer is simply for us to just continue to put our hearts into our work and focus on offering the best service possible to our patients.
    Why do you think the medical board wouldn't be interested in policing this?

  2. Thanks Dr. Naomi. I don't believe the medical board wil be remotely interested.
