Wednesday 22 August 2012

Is There a Non Surgical Face Lift That Works?

Every now and again one encounters a facial plastic surgeon who has a keen appreciation of the limitations and pitfalls of formal surgical face lifting. We see patients who have had face lift surgery with disappointing and unnatural outcomes. For the non or minimally invasive surgeon it can prove difficult or sometimes impossible to subsequently perform our facial procedures where the anatomy is distorted and the underlying tissues scarred and inelastic. The underlying tissues can be almost as unrelenting as concrete.
Dr Philip Young a US facial plastic surgeon's response to the question:
"Is there a non surgical face lift that works?"  is very interesting and shows great insight for a surgeon who actually does selectively perform face lifts.
    "There are different options to rejuvenating a person's face. You don't necessarily have to undergo a major facelift with long incisions to make yourself look better. A great option is facial fat transfer. When people age, they lose volume in the face and this contributes to the facial skin drooping and the wrinkles to form. It has been the practice of surgeons to cut away skin that appears to be excessive to what it used to be. This approach is not always the best way to make a person look younger. Sometimes the extra skin is the result of the face losing volume and the skin sags and droops due to this process. It is analogous to a grape losing volume when it turns into a raisin.
Traditionally, surgeons have practiced reductive procedures, meaning they reduced what is left. This can make a person look better but oftentimes the person doesn't necessarily look younger. A person will look like a more shapely raisin instead of a younger and healthy looking grape.
Fat injections can restore this volume and help you look younger in a natural way and it can be done with no incisions. Most all of the time, all that is needed are very tiny puncture holes for the special instruments used to restore volume into the face. Other ways to bring youth to your face without surgery include a resurfacing procedure to remove wrinkles, fillers to fill in volume in a piecemeal way over time, etc."

Bellevue Facial Plastic Surgeon


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