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Saturday, 22 October 2011


I first heard about Caroboxtherapy for the treatment of cellulite some 9 years ago. I have never used or advised this treatment despite a recent resurgence about this treatment in the cosmetic "advert-article" media circuit. The adverse outcome report reproduced below speaks for itself.

Florida woman, Rohie Kah, declared brain dead after receiving Carboxytherapy treatment at a spa

Thursday, October 1st 2009, 3:12 PM
A spa visit is meant to make clients feel refreshed - but a Florida woman left one spa brain dead.
Rohie Kah, a 37-year-old mother of three, visited the Weston MedSpa in Weston, Fla., Sept. 25 for a procedure to remove cellulite and stretch marks, ABC news reports. But things somehow went horribly wrong.
Kah, a registered nurse, is now on life support. "It's just a matter of time before she's dead," Michael Freedland, one of her lawyers, told ABC.
A regular customer at the spa, Kah reportedly often booked services like massages and manicures. Her lawyers say she was scheduled for a different service this time - a procedure called Carboxytherapy.
The spa’s Web site describes this particular “medical service” as injections of carbon dioxide that improve the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks. The cost ranges from $140 to $160 per injection.
Kah was taken by ambulance from MedSpa to a local hospital when she became unresponsive, her lawyers said. She’s been declared legally brain dead.

Sadly Treatments for Cellulite  remain very elusive. I'm still waiting to see a reliable treatment for established or mature (white pearly) cellulite. There is a lot of money spent on disappointing or even dangerous therapies.


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Peri-Oral Wrinkles

Women are understandably very conscious of wrinkles that develop around the mouth (perioral region) with ageing. Much is written about filler injections for these wrinkles. However in truth very little can be achieved with filler injections in this region as there is no available natural tissue layer for the filler to be placed. To gain an understanding of this concept place an index fingertip inside the mouth and oppose it with the thumb tip on the skin at the side of the mouth. You will readily appreciate that there is very little tissue between the finger and thumb and what is there consists of skin on muscle with almost no fat between them. This is not the case in the upper cheeks (malar region) or lips where an ideal potential space for filling naturally exists. That is why injection of fillers is so effective in these regions and conversely relatively ineffective around the mouth.
To enhance the lower face there is nothing that matches lip fillers injections. Lips are expanded, youthfully re-contoured and importantly lines/wrinkles around the mouth are automatically improved.

Some modest injecting of naso-labial and marionette lines/folds can be performed at the same time as lip injection if necessary. However the stand-out beautification will be as a result the lip filler injection.

esthelis before and after nasolabial folds and lips
                                                              photos courtesy of Anteis